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The date when signups will open will be announced in advance.

Ticket price is expected to be in the region of 250 GBP per player (approx 285 EUR) plus costs for coach and bedding if required. Subsidised rate may be available but is entirely dependent on people wanting to pay an increased fee to cover it.

 In the event of there being more registrations than there are available places, a lottery will be held and remaining players placed on a waitlist. If there is a vast amount of interest, a second run will be considered.

There are 75 player spaces.

Nearer the time, we will also look for NPC crew (about 12 people). NPC roles are primarily the guards, but there are also a small number of other short-time roles to play. There is no charge for NPC crew to attend the event, although they will still need to cover their own travel costs.

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